Dr. Tomer Itkin
Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine
Our lab is focused on deciphering transcription factor regulated genetic programs controlling fate choice decisions of cells in the cardiovascular and hematopoietic systems (Heart, Vessels, and Blood) under homeostasis and disease in order to develop translational therapeutic strategies for tissue regeneration. For this goal we employ state of the art microscopy imaging, flow cytometry sorting, and next generation sequencing computational analysis methods. In addition, we harness various transgenic small and big animal models, clinical patient samples, and humanized vascularized organoids-on-a-chip models. Our basic research of the cardiovascular and blood systems in organ regeneration using genetic animal models is followed and supported by translational studies using vascularized human organoids allowing us to confirm our newly developed regenerative tools in clinically relevant settings, molecularly eavesdropping on vascular-tissue interactions. Our research models allow screening of new therapeutic approaches promoting recovery and regeneration post injury or disease and the usage of the acquired knowledge to device strategies to mitigate development of tumor malignancies.
Dr. Tomer Itkin, PhD, is at the Department of Pathology in the School of Medicine and the Sagol Center of Regenerative Medicine, with his lab at the Sheba Medical Center (SMC). Dr. Itkin completed his PhD and first postdoctoral training in Immunology and Stem Cells at the Weizmann Institute of Science, after which he continued to a second postdoctoral training and faculty position as Instructor of Biology in Medicine in New York Weill Cornell Medicine. Dr. Itkin was selected to participate in the Translational Research Training in Hematology (TRTH) program and received the American Society of Hematology (ASH) Achievement Award several times. Dr. Itkin is the first recruited Research Scholar of the Sagol Center for Regenerative Medicine. Dr. Itkin is the new Director of Tel Aviv University’s Neufeld Cardiovascular Research Institute at the SMC.
Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine
- Cardiovascular & Hematopoietic Systems
- Tissue Development & Regeneration in Health and Disease