The 1st Sheba Longevity Conference

From research to evidenced-based clinical practice


The 1st Sheba Longevity Conference

From research to evidenced-based clinical practice


May 10-11, 2023
Sheba Medical Center – Sourasky Hall | Ramat Gan, Israel


The 1st Sheba Longevity Conference will bring together all relevant stakeholders in the multidisciplinary field of longevity medicine, providing a forum for showcasing outstanding research and scientific breakthroughs.

The conference aims to foster collaborations that will accelerate the translation of scientific discoveries into clinical practices and facilitate a shift in Israel’s national healthy longevity policy.

The event will also include an exhibition space for sponsors, partners, and industry representatives to promote dialogue and showcase their work.



The 1st Sheba Longevity Conference

Full Meeting Schedule: 

Conference Agenda







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